System TM Opti-Joint H-200

The Opti-Joint H-200 is a heavy-duty horizontal finger-jointing machine, characterized by high machine utilization and production capacity of softwoods and hardwoods. The Opti-Joint H-200 is designed with high quality mechanical and electrical components to meet your production requirements while optimizing staff and wood resources. System TM has extensive experience in terms of handling small workpieces at high capacities. Join together workpieces into customized quality boards at a high capacity.

The finger-jointing process starts with scanning of raw material, then cross-cutting into the right quality and finally, finger-jointing into customized uniform-quality boards. System TM’s machine technologies enable customers to achieve a customized product grade for strength, quality, and visual appearance while providing a quick return on investment.


  • High capacity including maximum precision and jointing quality
  • Intelligent control system for high machine utilization and performance
  • Complete hard- and software integration between all functions of the machine/line
  • Automatic line control and adjustments from one control and operator interface
  • Extensive range of production statistics available
  • May be upgraded to work with automatic infeed (Opti-Feed) and stacking (Opti-Stack) systems
  • May be integrated in direct line with an optimizing cross-cut system and scanner
  • High attention to operator safety and machine reliability