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Keynote Speakers Announced for 10th Anniversary Executive Briefing Conference

The tenth anniversary EBC will be held March 4-6, 2012 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Since inception in 2002, the Executive Briefing Conference (EBC) has become the premier venue for key manufacturing executives to network and explore visions for the future of our industry. The EBC provides a venue for businesses of all sizes to explore concepts, learn about new technologies, and discover opportunities in a non-commercial environment, with the goal of uncovering “What’s Now, What’s New, and What’s Next.” Providing strategic and practical information to help solve manufacturing challenges, the EBC is an occasion to be introduced to new ways to succeed.

The tenth anniversary conference will be held March 4-6, 2012 in Charlotte, North Carolina, adjacent to the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Given the location, the theme of the conference will focus on speed, specifically tactical ways to match the speed to market with the speed the market is changing.

The conference will open with a keynote address by Robert Stevenson, a widely recognized professional speaker and author of the bestselling book, “How to Soar Like An Eagle In A World Full of Turkeys.”

Stevenson’s presentation will explore change: the successes, the failures, and the reasons behind both. Great companies understand the first step to success is embracing change. As Mr. Stevenson asserts, if you don’t like change, then you are going to hate extinction. You can either choose to embrace change or watch as your business disintegrates right before your eyes. In today’s tenuous economy, everyone is standing on shaky ground. Today’s King of the Mountain could be tomorrow’s case study on failure. Since the future cannot be avoided, it must be dealt with. Attendees will learn that by embracing the concept of change, one embraces the future.

A highlight of the conference will be Dr. Jeffrey Karrenbauer, President and Founding Director of INSIGHT, a world leader in providing supply chain solutions and consulting services. A former Logistics Staff Officer for the United States Air Force, Dr. Karrenbauer will explain how he applies optimization and simulation to improve supply chains.

Supply Chain Management –  the words are a freely exchanged contemporary coin of the realm. Its importance is beyond question, its benefits tangible and substantial, yet for most firms practice lags decades behind theory. What went wrong along the evolutionary path? What can and should be done? The presentation begins by directly addressing these questions and then offers a fresh perspective on four of the most significant SCM contemporary challenges: (1) strategic sourcing (including the hot-button issue of outsourcing), (2) unification of marketing and SCM, (3) supply chain risk management and (4) SCM and the green movement. 

The conference will close with an update from renowned economist Alan Beaulieu, who has been a favorite at previous EBCs. Alan recently forecasted that he expects the economy to speed up in 2012. Attend the conference to learn how to be prepared to meet the new pace of the market.

Maximizing the future is all about separating fact from fiction.  The fear and uncertainty about the global markets are enough to cause any business leader to wonder if the recovery is durable or not.  Alan Beaulieu, the President of ITR® will be presenting the economic outlook for our industry and for the global economy with the clarity that business leaders have come to expect from ITR®.  Attendees will have no doubt as to the sustainability of the recovery.  They will also learn how long the good news will last, what the downgrade of US debt is likely to mean, the impact of the Super Committee, and what strategies and tactics should be undertaken now if businesses are to maximize their profit potential in the years to come.  This is a must meeting for leaders looking to prepare for the changes that are coming over the next few years.

The agenda also includes a special tour of the BLUM US facility in Stanley, NC, and much more!

Registration is now open. The early bird price is $895 and includes two nights lodging, all meals, presentations, and tours. Register soon because the discounted price is only valued until November 18, 2011. Visit for more information and to register.