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Executive Briefing Conference Adds Featured Presenter to Program Lineup

One of the new additions to expand upon the Executive Briefing Conference program is the featured presenter: a world class presenter to discuss topics of universal significance.

Since inception in 2002, the Executive Briefing Conference has become the premier venue to key manufacturing executives to network and explore visions for the future of our industry. The conference provides a venue for businesses of all sizes to explore business concepts, learn about new technologies and discover opportunities in a non-commercial environment with the goal of discovering “What’s Now, What’s New, and What’s Next”.

The 2012 Executive Briefing Conference will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina adjacent to the Charlotte Motor Speedway. The conference will focus on tactical ways to match the speed-to-market while staying ahead of the speed at which the market is changing.

One of the new additions to expand upon the Executive Briefing Conference program is the featured presenter: a world class presenter to discuss topics of universal significance. In 2012, we are fortunate to have a former Logistics Staff Officer for the United States Air Force, Dr. Jeffrey Karrenbauer, who is the President & Founding Director of INSIGHT, a world leader in providing supply chain solutions & consulting services. As highlighted on NPR, Dr. Karrenbauer’s featured presentation will illustrate how to apply optimization & simulation to improve supply chains.

Supply Chain Management…the words are a freely exchanged contemporary coin of the realm. Its importance is beyond question, its benefits tangible & substantial, yet for most firms practice lags decades behind theory. What went wrong along the evolutionary path? What can & should be done? The presentation begins by directly addressing these questions & then offers a fresh perspective on four of the most significant Supply Chain Management contemporary challenges: (1) strategic sourcing (including the hot-button issue of outsourcing), (2) unification of marketing, (3) supply chain risk management & (4) the green movement.

Visit for more conference information and to secure your spot.